Legal notice

1 – Edition / publication

website accessible at the address: (the “Site“) is operated by UNSEENLABS, société par actions simplifiée (the “Company“) represented by Mr. Jonathan GALIC:

  • Registered with the Trade and Companies Registry of Rennes under number 811 856 376;
  • Share capital: 99,137.00 euros;
  • Intra-community VAT: FR20811856376
  • Email:

The Director of Publication is Mr. Jonathan GALIC, domiciled at the above-mentioned address.

Any complaint or notification must be sent to the following e-mail address: or by post to the above-mentioned address.

2 – Web Host

The Site is hosted by the company GANDI :

  • Registered with the RCS of Paris under the number 423 093 459;
  • Address: 63-65 boulevard Masséna, 75013 Paris
  • Tel: +33 (0) 1
  • Email:
  • Site:

3 – Graphic Credits 

The design of the Site was created by Antoine Berger:

  • SIRET number: 510 763 089 00016
  • Address: 6 square de Tanouarn, 35700 RENNES
  • Email :

The photographs and videos were produced by Ubiquit:

  • SIRET number: 442 329 819 00035
  • Site:

4 – Intellectual property rights 

All content on the Site is protected by the Company’s intellectual property rights, and in particular by copyright, throughout the world and for the duration of the rights as it results from existing legal provisions and/or extensions to be made. Any reproduction, extraction, disclosure, dissemination, distribution, use, representation, adaptation, translation, modification, decompilation, marketing, sub-licensing of all or part of the Company’s intellectual property rights, whatever the purpose, the medium, the duration, the territory and the means used, not expressly authorised by the Company or by the applicable legal provisions is strictly prohibited.

5 – Personal Data 

The user of the Site (the “User“) is informed that its personal data (the “Personal Data“) is collected and processed by the Company, in the context of the use of the Site including, where applicable, the use of the User Account, in accordance with the provisions of EU Regulation n°2016/679 of 27 April 2016 known as “GDPR” and Law n° 78-17 of 6 January 1978 known as the “Loi Informatique et libertés”, as amended by Law n° 2018-493 of 20 June 2018 (hereinafter together, the “Applicable Regulations“).

Categories: The Personal Data that the Company is likely to collect for the Purposes (as defined below) are those collected via the contact form accessible via the link, i.e.: surname, first name, telephone number, e-mail address.

Purposes: Personal Data is only processed using the contact form on the Site.

Thus, the Company undertakes to use the Personal Data only for the following purposes (the “Purposes“):

  • Responding to Users’ requests;
  • The sending of the UNSEENLABS newsletter to Users provided that the User accepts it by ticking the appropriate box.

The Company does not make any commercial use of the Personal Data.

The Company will obtain the express consent of the User for any other possible purpose of processing its Personal Data that is not expressly provided for herein.

Storage period: Personal Data is stored by the Company for the time necessary to fulfil the above-mentioned Purposes, unless a longer storage period is required in accordance with to any legal, accounting, tax or judicial obligations of the Company.

Security: The Company attaches the utmost importance to the confidentiality of Users’ Personal Data and implements the technical and organisational measures necessary to secure it, it being specified that the Internet is not a completely secure environment and that the Company cannot guarantee the perfect security of the transmission or storage of Personal Data on this network.

Recipients: The User’s Personal Data is intended to be used by the Company and, where applicable, by the Company’s subcontractors and/or any company controlled by the Company, controlling the Company or under common control within the meaning of Article L.233-3 of the French Commercial Code.

The Company may be required to communicate all or part of the Personal Data to competent judicial authorities or administrations in application of applicable law or in the context of mandatory decisions. The Company undertakes to limit the communication of Personal Data to what is expressly and restrictively required.

Processors: The User is informed that the Company may subcontract all or part of the Personal Data processing operations necessary for the use of the Site and/or the fulfilment of the Purposes. These service providers are obliged to process Personal Data in accordance with the Applicable Regulations and present the appropriate guarantees in terms of security.

Transfer: Personal Data is processed and stored in the European Union.

Rights of Users: In accordance with the provisions of the Applicable Regulation (in particular articles 15 to 22 of the GDPR), Users are entitled to object to the processing and automated individual decision making, access, erasure, rectification, limitation of processing, and portability of Personal Data, as well as the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority.

The User may exercise its rights by notifying the Company of its intention by e-mail to or by post to the above-mentioned address.

The User is entitled to lodge a complaint with the Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés: 3 Place de Fontenoy – TSA 80715 – 75334 PARIS CEDEX 07.

In order to preserve the security and confidentiality of Personal Data, the Company reserves the right to ask Users for proof of their identity in order to verify its accuracy, prior to exercising the rights listed above; it being specified that this copy will be deleted thirty (30) days after its receipt by the Company.

In the event of unfounded or excessive requests, in particular due to their repetitive nature, the Company reserves the right to charge or not to follow up on any request from a User subsequent to a request duly satisfied by the Company and relating to the same subject.

6 – Cookies 

A cookie is a non-executable text file installed on the computer or communication terminal (such as a smartphone, electronic tablet and computer – hereafter, the “Terminal“) of the User when browsing the Internet.

The User is informed and acknowledges that to facilitate access to and use of the Site, cookies may be installed on its Terminal subject to its express consent.

Furthermore, the configuration of the navigation software allows the User to be informed of the presence of cookies and possibly to refuse them.

More generally, the User may at any time withdraw its consent to the installation of cookies by clicking on the “Cookie settings” icon located at the bottom of the Site’s page.

The User understands that the deletion of these cookies does not prevent browsing on the Site. However, refusing these cookies could have the effect of reducing the fluidity of use.

These cookies have a maximum lifespan of thirteen (13) months after their first deposit in the User’s Terminal.

7 – Limitation of liability 

The User expressly acknowledges and accepts that the Company takes all necessary steps to ensure that the information contained on the Site is as accurate as possible and that the Site is periodically updated, but that the Site may nevertheless contain inaccuracies, omissions and/or gaps.